Wednesday, September 30, 2009

New house, no,...just a bigger one

After almost a year of planning we have decided we are staying in our current house and going to add on. The new addition will be a kitchen and a dining room upstairs and an addition to the garage and two more bedrooms downstairs along with a storage room. We will also be doing some remodeling to our current home but more on that later. We started some of the prep work last weekend by taking out our brick edging and rock in the back of the house. We also took out 8 plants and replanted them else where in the yard in the hope we will be able to use them after this is all done. Below is a picture of us begining the work of removing the rock.

Unfortunatly we will have a casualty, a beautiful evergreen that must to removed. Below you can see the evergreen that will be taken down.
(ps-our current house is the brown one, not the yellow one)
I hope to keep this updated as we progress.

1 comment:

Kevin Moberg said...

Awesome that you're moving forward with this huge project! It's exciting!!